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Question 4: Designing the questionnaire



We are going to design a questionnaire to find out what patients thought of a new service at their clinic (a telemedicine consultation with a specialist using a video link instead of face to face consultation). What should we think about when designing this questionnaire?

You should have mentioned thinking about:

1. How will they complete the questionnaire (postal, in the clinic, face to face with a researcher, anonymously?)

2. What questions do we want to ask, what are we interested in finding out?

3. How many questions do we need and how long should the questions be?

5. How will we find out the best way of asking the questions

7. What answers we are expecting or willing to accept?

8. How can we pilot the questionnaire?

9. How do we want to analyse the answers?

10. Who is in the team designing, writing, piloting, sending out, collecting, entering, analysing and writing up?

Check your answer