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Question 6: The introduction to the questionnaire.

Here is the first page of our questionnaire.

Patient Identifier :

Telemedicine Study

Do not write your name anywhere on this questionnaire.

All information provided is strictly confidential

Please ensure this questionnaire is completed only by the person to whom the letter was sent. If this is not possible this should be filled in with a relative or carer.

When answering the questions you will be asked to either place a cross in the box, or enter numbers in to the box.

We would like to ask some questions about the teleconsultation at your GP's surgery


What are the important features of an introduction page

a) Yesa) It should tell the respondent how to fill out the questionnaireb) Yesb) It should tell the respondent what the questionnaire is about (e.g. we would like to ask you some questions about the teleconsultation at your GP's surgery)c) It can, or this can be done in a letter or can be at the end of the questionnaire or in many cases there may be no contact. If people have problems they do not get any help. This is one disadvantage of many questionnaires.c) Often there is no contact number for help when filling out a questionnaire. However, if you have the time to answer people, it is possible to give people a contact number so if they do have difficulties they can get help. d) Yes, the introduction should be quite short and not go into a detailed description of the whole study. It should be short and specificd) No, the introduction should be quite short so as not to put off the respondents. It should be short and specific.
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