Peter Dicken

Pub Date: 11/2010
Pages: 632

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Peter Dicken

Annotated Web Links

International statistical data

The following websites of international organizations are particularly valuable:

World Trade Organization ( Provides the most comprehensive statistical data on trends in world trade. The annual International Trade Statistics is especially valuable.

World Bank ( Produces a wide range of reports on specific topics. The most useful general publications, both produced annually, are its World Development Indicators and World Development Report. These contain statistical data on a wide range of development indicators.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( Publishes a variety of reports and statistics on trade and development, including the annual World Investment Report, which provides the only comprehensive survey of foreign direct investment and transnational corporations. Each issue focuses on a specific topic as well as a compilation of a wide range of FDI data. Other valuable UNCTAD publications are: the Handbook of Statistics, the Trade and Development Report and the Information Economy Report.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization ( Concerned specifically with the processes and developmental impacts of industrialization. Publishes a variety of reports, including the annual International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics and the Industrial Development Report.

United Nations Development Programme ( Produces an extensive series of statistical data on human development as well as the annual Human Development Reports.

International Labour Office ( Provides a wide range of reports and publications on all aspects of labour, employment, and unemployment. Its annual World Employment Report is especially useful, consisting of a focus on a particular issue as well as providing up-to –date statistical data.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( Although its country coverage is more restricted than the above websites, the OECD does provide useful statistical data, reports and publications on various aspects of economic development, including individual country studies.