Peter Dicken

Pub Date: 11/2010
Pages: 632

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Peter Dicken

International Business Online Readings

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Chapter 1 - Introduction: Questioning 'Globalization'

Chapter 2 - Global Shift: Changing Geographies of the Global Economy

Chapter 3 - Tangled Webs: Unravelling Complexity in the Global Economy

Chapter 4 - Technological Change: 'Gales of Creative Destruction'

Chapter 5 - Transnational Corporations: The Primary 'Movers and Shapers' of
                  the Global Economy

Chapter 6 - The State Really Does Matter

Chapter 7 - The Uneasy Relationship between TNCs and States: Dynamics of Conflict
                  and Collaboration

Chapter 8 - 'Making Holes in the Ground': The Extractive Industries

Chapter 9 - 'We Are What We Eat': The Agro-Food Industries

Chapter 10 - 'Fabric-ating Fashion': The Clothing Industries

Chapter 11 - 'Wheels of Change': The Automobile Industry

Chapter 12 - 'Making the World Go Round': Advanced Business
                   Services – Especially Finance

Chapter 13 - 'Making the Connections, Moving the Goods': Logistics
                   and Distribution Services

Chapter 14 - 'Capturing Value' within Global Production Networks

Chapter 15 - 'Destroying Value': Environmental Impacts of Global Production Networks

Chapter 16 - Winning and Losing: Where You Live Really Matters

Chapter 17 - Making the World a Better Place

Chapter One
Introduction: Questioning 'Globalization'

Castles, S. (2001) Studying social transformation.
International Political Science Review, 22(1): 13-32.

De Angelis, M. and Harvie, D. (2008) Globalization? No question! Foreign
direct investment and labor commanded.
Review of Radical Political Economics, Fall, 40 (4): 429-44

Dicken, P. (2004) Geographers and ‘globalization’: (yet) another missed boat?.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 29.

Foster, J.B., McChesney, R.W. (2010) Monopoly-finance capital and the paradox of accumulation.
Monthly Review, October, 61(5).

Gills, B. (2010) Going South: capitalist crisis, systemic crisis, civilisational crisis.
Third World Quarterly, March, 31(2).

Hansen, B. (2002) Globalization and European state formation 1900-2000.
Cooperation and Conflict: Journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, 37 (3): 303–21.

Hirst, P. (1996) ‘Globaloney’ Prospect Magazine 5 (February).

Hudson, R. (2004) Conceptualizing economies and their geographies: spaces, flows and circuits.
Progress in Human Geography, August 28(4): 447-71.

Martinelli, A. (2003) Global order or divided world? Introduction.
Current Sociology, 51(2): 95-100.

Mills, M. et al. (2008) Converging divergences? An international comparison of the impact of globalization on industrial relations and employment careers.
International Sociology, 23: 561-95.

Montiel, H. C. (2007) Incompleteness of post-Washington consensus:
A critique of macro-economic and institutional reforms.
International Studies, 22(4): 103–22.

Murray, G. (2010) Framing globalization and work: A research agenda.
Journal of Industrial Relations, 52:11-25.

Raab, M. et al. (2008) Global index: A sociological approach to globalization measurement.
International Sociology, 23: 596-631.

Rankin, K. N. (2003) Anthropologies and geographies of globalization.
Progress in Human Geography, 27(6): 708-34.

Wade, R. (2010) Is the globalization consensus dead?’.
Antipode, January, Supplement 1, 41.

Chapter Two
Global Shift: Changing Geographies of the Global Economy

Brooks, S.G. (2000-2001) Power, globalization, and the end of the Cold War.
International Security, Winter, 25(3).

Chu, Y.(2008) Deconstructing the global city: Unravelling the linkages that underlie Hong Kong’s world city status.
Urban Studies, 45(8):1625–46.

Currid, E. (2006) New York as a global creative hub: A competitive analysis of four theories on world cities.
Economic Development Quarterly, 20(4): 330-50.

Dilip K. D. (2010) Contours of deepening financial globalization in the emerging market economies.
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 2: 45-67.

Domanski, B. (2003) Industrial change and foreign direct investment in the postsocialist economy: The case of Poland.
European Urban and Regional Studies, 10(2): 99–118.

Eden, L. (1991) Bringing the firm back in: Multinationals in international political economy. Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 20(4): 197-224.

Harris, J. (2009) Statist globalization in China, Russia and the Gulf States.
Science & Society, January, 73(1).

Kiely, R. (2008) Poverty's fall/China's rise: Global convergence or new forms of uneven development?.
Journal of Contemporary Asia, August, 38(3).

Moore, K. and Lewis, D. C. (2010) Globalization and the Cold War: The communist dimension.
Management and Organizational History, 5: 5-17.

Schaeffer, P. V. and Mack, R. S. (1997) The conceptual foundations of the new international division of labor.
Journal of Planning Literature, 12: 3-15.

Schmidt, G. (2003) Asia, Europe, North America, and the ‘Asian capitalist miracle’: Changing ‘power cycles’ and evolving roles in regional and international structures.
International Political Science Review, 24(1): 67–81.

Chapter Three
Tangled Webs: Unravelling Complexity in the Global Economy

Anheier, H. and Katz, H. (2004) Network approaches to global civil society. In H.K. Anheier, M. Glasius, H. Kaldor (eds)
Yearbook of Global Civil Society 2004.

Bartelson, J. (2006) Making sense of global civil society.
European Journal of International Relations, 12(3): 371–95.

Bellamy Foster, J. (2007) The financialization of capitalism.
Monthly Review; April, 58(11).

Ciccantell, P. and Smith, D. A. (2009) Rethinking global commodity chains:
Integrating extraction, transport, and manufacturing.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50(3–4): 361–84.

Coe, N.M., Dicken, P. and Hess, M. (2008) Global production networks: realizing the potential.
Journal of Economic Geography 8(3).

Guerrieri, P. and Pietrobelli, C. (2006) Old and new forms of clustering and
production networks in changing technological regimes: Contrasting evidence from Taiwan and Italy.
Science, Technology & Society, 11(1): 9-38.

Goldstein, J.P. (2009) Introduction: The political economy of financialization.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 41.

Hawkins, R. A. (2010) Boycotts, buycotts and consumer activism in a global context: An overview.
Management and Organizational History, 5(2): 123–43.

Henderson, J., Dicken, P., Hess, M., Coe, N. and Yeung, H.W-c (2002) Global production networks and the analysis of economic development.
Review of International Political Economy, 9(3).

Hudson, R. (2004) Thinking through the geographies of the new Europe in the new millennium: Dialectics of circuits, flows and spaces.
European Urban and Regional Studies, 11(2): 99–102.

Hughes, A., Wrigley, N. and Buttle, M. (2008)  Global production networks, ethical campaigning, and the embeddedness of responsible governance. 
Journal of Economic Geography.

Macleod, S. and Lewis, D. (2004) Transnational corporations: Power, influence and responsibility.
Global Social Policy, 4(1): 77–98.

Smith, A., et al. (2002) Networks of value, commodities and regions: Reworking divisions of labour in macro-regional economies.
Progress in Human Geography, 26 (1): 41-63.

Swyngedouwa, E. (2004) Globalisation or 'glocalisation'? Networks, territories and rescaling.
Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 17(1).

Uhlin, A. (1988) Transnational corporations as global political actors: A literature review.
Cooperation and Conflict, 23(2): 231-47.

Chapter Four
Technological Change: 'Gales of Creative Destruction'

Choi, Y. (1993) Global networks in telecommunication and transportation.
International Communication Gazette, 51: 13-136.

Drori, G.S. (2007) Information society as a global policy agenda: What does it tell us about the age of globalization?. 
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 48(4): 297-316.

Hampton, K. N. (2010) Internet use and the concentration of disadvantage: Glocalization and the urban underclass.
American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8):1111-32.

Harvey, D. (2006) Neo-liberalism as creative destruction.
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 88(2):145-58.

Hillis, K. (1998) On the margins: The invisibility of communications in geography.
Progress in Human Geography, 22(4): 543-66.

Keeling, D. J. (2007) Transportation geography: New directions on well-worn trails.
Progress in Human Geography, 31: 217-25.

McCann, P. (2008) Globalization and economic geography: the world is curved, not flat. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1(3).

Rodino-Colocino, M. (2006) Laboring under the digital divide.
New Media and Society, 8(3):

Sterman, J. D. and Meadows, D. (1985) STRATAGEM-2: A Microcomputer simulation game of the Kondratiev cycle.
Simulation Gaming, 16(2): 174-202.

Stump, R. L., Gong, W. and Zhan, L. (2008) Exploring the digital divide in mobile-phone adoption levels across countries: Do population socioeconomic traits operate in the same manner as their individual-level demographic counterparts? 
Journal of Macromarketing, 28(4): 397-412.

Rychen, F. and Zimmermann, J.B. (2008) Clusters in the global knowledge-based economy: knowledge gatekeepers and temporary proximity.
Regional Studies 42(6).

Wilson, J. (2006) 3G to Web 2.0? Can mobile telephony become an architecture of participation?
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 12(2): 229–42.

Chapter Five
Transnational Corporations: The Primary 'Movers and Shapers' of the Global Economy

Andersson, U., Forsgren, M. and Holm, U. (2001) Subsidiary embeddedness and competence development in MNCs a multi-level analysis.
Organization Studies, 22(6): 1013-34.

Chang, E. and Taylor, S. M. (1999) Control in multinational corporations (MNCs): The case of Korean manufacturing subsidiaries.
Journal of Management, 25(4): 541-65.

Gabrielsson, M., et al. (2008) Conceptualizations to advance born global definition: A research note.
Global Business Review, 9(1): 45–50.

Moon, C. W. and Lado, A. A. (2000) MNC-host government bargaining power relationship: A critique and extension within the resource-based view.
Journal of Management, 26(1): 85–117.

Morgan, G. and Kristensen, P. H. (2006) The contested space of multinationals: Varieties of institutionalism, varieties of capitalism.
Human Relations, 59(11): 1467-90.

Staples, C.L. (2008) Cross border acquisitions and board globalization in the world's largest TNCS, 1995–2005.
Sociological Quarterly, February, 49(1): 31-51.

Tate, W. L., Ellram, L. M. and Brown, S. W. (2009) Offshore outsourcing of services: A stakeholder perspective.
Journal of Service Research, 12(1): 56-72.

Tregaskis, O. et al. (2010) Transnational learning structures in multinational firms: Organizational context and national embeddedness.
Human Relations, 63(4): 471-99.

Verwaal, E., Commandeur, H. and Verbeke, W. (2009) Value creation and value claiming in strategic outsourcing decisions: A resource contingency perspective.
Journal of Management, 35(2): 420-44.

Yeung, H. W-c. (2009) Transnational corporations, global production networks, and urban and regional development: A geographer's perspective on multinational enterprises and the global economy.
Growth & Change, June 40(2).

Chapter Six
The State Really Does Matter

Battaglia, R.P. (2009) Privatization and citizen preferences: A cross-national analysis of demand for private versus public provision of services in three industries.
Administration & Society, 41(1): 38-66.

Bird, A. and Fang, T. (2009) Editorial: Cross cultural management in the age of globalization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management ,9.

Cerase, F. P. (2002) Japanese bureaucracy in transition: Regulating deregulation.
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 68(4): 629-47.

Cerny, P.G. (2010) The competition state today: from raison d'etat to raison du Monde.
Policy Studies, 31(1).

Dasgupta, A. (2000) Labour standards and WTO: A new form of protectionism. 
South Asia Economic Journal, 1(2): 113-29.

Fischer, R., et al. (2010) Are individual-level and country-level value structures different? Testing Hofstede’s legacy with the Schwartz value survey.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(2): 135-51.

Harris, J. (2009) Statist globalization in China, Russia and the Gulf States. 
Science & Society, January, 73(1).

Jessop, B. (2010) The 'return' of the national state in the current crisis of the world market.
Capital & Class, 34(38).

Kaya, Y. (2010) Globalization and industrialization in 64 developing countries, 1980–2003.
Social Forces, 88(3).

Liang, W. (2007) China: Globalization and the emergence of a new status quo power?.
Asian Perspective, 31(4).

Merritt, A. (2000) Culture in the cockpit: Do Hofstede’s dimensions replicate?
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 31(3): 283-301.

Peck, J. and Theodore, N. (2007) Variegated capitalism.
Progress in Human Geography, 31(6): 731-72.

Reis, E. P. (2004) The lasting marriage between nation and state despite globalization. International Political Science Review, 25(3): 251-57.

Snowdon, B. (2007) Competitive advantage revisited: Michael Porter on strategy and competitiveness.
Journal of Management Inquiry, 16(3): 256-73.

Traxler, F. (1996) European trade union policy and collective bargaining: mechanisms and levels of labour market regulation in comparison. European Review of Labour and Research, 2(2): 287-97.

Whalley, J. (2007) Globalisation and values.
World Economy Volume, 31(11).

Chapter Seven
The Uneasy Relationship between TNCs and States: Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration

Chen, S., Chen, Y. and Wen, P.(2009) MNCs' offshore R&D mandates and host countries' locational advantages: A comparsion between Taiwan and China.
China Information, 23(1): 159-87.

Dusanjh, H. and Sidhu, A.S. (2009) Multi-spillover effects of multinational corporations on host countries: A review of literature.
Global Business Review, 10(2): 243-60.

Ferner, A. et al. (2004) The dynamics of central control and subsidiary autonomy in the management of human resources: Case-study evidence from US MNCs in the UK.
Organization Studies, 25: 363–91.

Harris, R. and Robinson, C. (2004) Productivity impacts and spillovers from foreign ownership in the United Kingdom.
National Institute Economic Review, 187(1): 58-75.

Lavelle, J., Gunnigle, P. and McDonnell, A. (2010) Patterning employee voice in multinational companies.
Human Relations, 63(3): 395-418.

Quintanilla, J., Susaeta, L., and Sánchez-Mangas, R. (2008) The diffusion of employment practices in multinationals: `Americanness' within US MNCs in Spain?
Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(5): 680-96.

Sklair, L. (2002) The transnational capitalist class and global politics: Deconstructing the corporate-state connection.
International Political Science Review, April, 23(2): 159-74.

Sweeney, P. (2010) Ireland’s low corporation tax: the case for tax coordination in the Union.
European Review of Labour and Research, 16(1): 55-69.

Thomas, K. (2003) Geographic scales and the competition for economic growth: States, subnational governments, and cities.
American Behavioral Scientist, 46(8): 987-1001.

Varma, A. et al. (2009) Chinese host country nationals' willingness to support expatriates: The role of collectivism, interpersonal affect and Guanxi.
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 9(2): 199-216.

Chapter Eight
'Making Holes in the Ground': The Extractive Industries

Bina, C. (1989) Global oil and the transformation of OPEC.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 21(3): 105-11.

Bridge, G. and Wood, A. (2005) Geographies of knowledge, practices of globalization: learning from the oil exploration and production industry.
Area, 37(2).

Feagin, J. R. (1990) Extractive regions in developed countries: A comparative analysis of the oil capitals, Houston and Aberdeen.
Urban Affairs Review, 25(4): 591-619.

Gedicks, A. (1973) The nationalization of copper in Chile: Antecedents and consequences.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 5(1-25).

Krebs, G. (1975) Technological and social impact assessment of resource extraction: The case of coal.
Environment and Behavior, 7(3): 307-29.

De Lopez, T. T. (2002) Natural resource exploitation in Cambodia: An examination of use, appropriation, and exclusion.
The Journal of Environment & Development, 11(4): 355-79.

Gua, J., Humphreya, J. and Messnerb, D. (2008) Global governance and developing countries: The implications of the rise of China.
World Development Volume, February,36(2).

Pulver, S. (2007) Making sense of corporate environmentalism: An environmental contestation approach to analyzing the causes and consequences of the climate change policy split in the oil industry.
Organization & Environment, 20(1): 44-83.

Rice, J. (2007) Ecological unequal exchange: Consumption, equity, and unsustainable structural relationships within the global economy.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 48(1): 43-72.

Turner, T. E and Brownhill, L. S. (2004) Why women are at war with Chevron: Nigerian subsistence struggles against the international oil industry.
Journal of Asian and African Studies, 39: 63-93.

Chapter Nine
'We Are What We Eat': The Agro-Food Industries

Feagan, R. (2007) The place of food: mapping out the ‘local’ in local food systems’.
Progress in Human Geography, February, 31(1): 23-42.

Fridell, M., Hudson, I. and Hudson, M. (2008) With friends like these: The corporate response to fair trade coffee.
Review of Radical Political Economics,40(8).

Herrick, C. (2008) The Southern African famine and genetically modified food aid: The ramifications for the United States and European Union's trade war.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 40(1): 50-66.

Holt-Giménez, E. and Shattuck, A. (2009) The agrofuels transition: Restructuring places and spaces in the global food system.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 29(3): 180-88.

Levi, M. and Linton, A. (2003) Fair trade: A cup at a time?
Politics & Society, September, 31(3): 407-32.

Maye, D. and Ilbery, B. (2006) Regional economies of local food production: Tracing food chain links between ‘specialist’ producers and intermediaries in the Scottish–English Borders.
European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(4): 337-54.

Murphy, J., Levidow, L. and Carr, S. (2006) Regulatory standards for environmental risks: Understanding the US-European Union conflict over genetically modified crops.
Social Studies of Science, 36(1): 133-60.

Shaw, A. (2002) ‘It just goes against the grain’.Public understandings of genetically modified (GM) food in the UK.
Public Understanding of Science, 11(3): 273-91.

Watts, D. C. H., Ilbery, B. and Maye, D. (2005) Making reconnections in agro-food geography: alternative systems of food provision.
Progress in Human Geography, 29 (1): 22-40.

Winickoff, D. E. and Bushey, D. M. (2010) Science and power in global food regulation: The rise of the Codex Alimentarius.
Science, Technology & Human Values, 35(3): 356-81.

Winter, M. ( 2004) Geographies of food: agro-food geographies – farming, food and politics.
Progress in Human Geography, 28(5): 664-70.

Winter, M. (2005) Geographies of food: agro-food geographies - food, nature, farmers and agency. Progress in Human Geography, October, 29(5): 609-17.

Chapter Ten
'Fabric-ating Fashion': The Clothing Industries

Chakravarty, D. (2007) ‘Docile oriental women’ and organised labour: A case study of the Indian garment manufacturing Industry.
Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 14 (3): 439-60.

Das, K. (1996) Flexibly together: Surviving and growing in a garment cluster, Ahmedabad, India.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, 5(2): 153-77.

Esbenshade, J. (2008) Going up against the global economy: New developments in the anti-sweatshops movement.
Critical Sociology, 34(3): 453-70.

Knutsen, H.M. (2003) Globalisation and the garment industry in Sri Lanka.
Journal of Contemporary Asia, May, 33(2).

Miller, D. (2004) Negotiating international framework agreements in the global textile, garment and footwear sector.
Global Social Policy, 4(2): 215-39.

Rogers, J. C. and Lutz, S. L. (1990) Quality indicators used by retail buyers in the purchase of women's sportswear.
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 9(1): 11-17.

Sharfman, M. P., Gray, B. and Yan, A. (1991) The Context of interorganizational collaboration in the garment industry: An institutional perspective.
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27(2): 181-208.

Sondhi, N. and Singhvi, S.R. (2006) Gender influences in garment purchase: An empirical analysis.
Global Business Review, 7(1): 57-75.

Thurston, J. L., et al. (1990) Influence of age, body type, fashion, and garment type on women's professional image.
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 19(2): 139-50.

Chapter Eleven
'Wheels of Change': The Automobile Industry

Dohse, K., Jürgens, U. and Nialsch, T. (1985) From ‘Fordism’ to ‘Toyotism’? The social organization of the labor process in the Japanese automobile industry.
Politics & Society, 14: 115–46.

Goh, M. K.H. and Garg, M. (2008) ChangAn Automotive Co.: Making supply chains work.
Asian Journal of Management Cases, 5(2): 57-71.

Intarakumnerd, P. (2008) Coping with a giant: Challenges and opportunities for Thai and Vietnamese motorcycle industry from China.
Science Technology & Society, 13(1): 35-60.

Jürgens, U. and Krzywdzinski, M. (2009) Changing East–West division of labour in the European automotive industry.
European Urban and Regional Studies, 16(1): 27-42.

Kim, H-Y. and McCann, P. (2008) Supply chains and locational adjustment in the global automotive industry.
Policy Studies, September, 29(3).

Lowe, J. and Oliver, R. (1997) High-performance manufacturing: Evidence from the automotive components industry.
Organization Studies, 18(5): 783-98.

Sadler, D. (1998) Changing inter-firm relations in the European automotive industry: Increased dependence or enhanced autonomy for components producers?
European Urban and Regional Studies, 5: 317-28.

Sheller, M. (2004) Automotive emotions: Feeling the car.
Theory, Culture & Society, 21(4-5): 221-42.

Streeck, W. (1987) Industrial relations and industrial change: The restructuring of the world automobile industry in the 1970s and 1980s.
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 8: 437–62.

Sturgeon, T.,  Van Biesebroeck, J. and Gereffi, G. (2007) Value chains, networks and clusters: reframing the global automotive industry.
Journal of Economic Geography 8 (3).

Urry, J. (2004) The `system' of automobility. 
Theory, Culture & Society, August, 21(4/5).

Chapter Twelve
'Making the World Go Round': Advanced Business Services - Especially Finance

Bayraktar, N. and Wang, Y. (2008) Banking sector openness and economic growth.
Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 2(2): 145-75.

Britton, N. J., et al. (2004) The future of regional cities in the information age: The impact of information technology on Manchester’s financial and business services sector.
Sociology, 38(4): 795-814.

Capling, A. and Crozier, M. (1998) Insuring risk: Systems of global finance.
Thesis Eleven , 53: 19-28.

Hope, W. (2006) Global capitalism and the critique of real time.
Time & Society, 15(2-3): 275-302.

Jen, S. (2007) ‘Sovereign wealth funds.
World Economics 8(4).

Krause, G. A. (1990) Economics, politics, and policy change: Examining the consequences of deregulation in the banking industry.
American Politics Research, 22 (2): 221-43.

Li, T. (2007) Banking regulation around the world: Patterns, determinants, and impact.
Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 6 (1): 61-122.

O’Hara, P. A. (2009) The global securitized subprime market crisis.
Review of Radical Political Economics, 41(3): 318-34.

Zhao, S. X. B. (2003) Spatial restructuring of financial centers in mainland China and Hong Kong.
Urban Affairs Review, 38(4): 535-71.

Chapter Thirteen
'Making the Connections, Moving the Goods': Logistics and Distribution Services

Ancarani, F. and Shankar, V. (2004) Price levels and price dispersion within and across multiple retailer types: Further evidence and extension.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(2): 176-87.

Cowen, D. (2010) A geography of logistics: Market authority and the security of supply chains. 
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, July, 100(3).

Gereffi, G. (2001) Shifting governance structures in global commodity chains, with special reference to the Internet.
American Behavioral Scientist, 44(10): 1616-37.

Kraemer, K.L., Gibbs, J. and Dedrick, J. (2005) Impacts of globalization on e-commerce use and firm performance: A cross-country investigation.
Information Society, November, 21(5).

Lund, J. and Wright, C. (2004) More pain, less gain: New compensation systems for grocery truck drivers.
Labor Studies Journal, 29(2): 1-20.

O’Connor, K. (2010) Global city regions and the location of logistics activity.
Journal of Transport Geography, May, 18(3).

Reibstein, D. J. (2002) What attracts customers to online stores, and what keeps them coming back?
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30(4): 465-73.

Ryals, L. J. and Humphries, A. S. (2007) Managing key business-to-business relationships: What marketing can learn from supply chain management.
Journal of Service Research, 9(4): 312-26.

Tacconelli, W. and Wrigley, N.  (2009) Organizational challenges and strategic responses of retail TNCs in post-WTO-entry China. 
Economic Geography, January, 85(1).

Thompson, K. R. (2003) Conversation with Linda Morgan: Leadership in surface transportation.
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 10(1): 106-18.

Wright, C. and Lund, J. (2003) Supply chain rationalization: Retailer dominance and labour flexibility in the Australian food and grocery industry.
Work, Employment and Society, 17(1): 137-57.

Wrigley, N., Coe, N.M. and Currah, A. (2005) Globalizing retail: conceptualizing the distribution-based transnational corporation (TNC).
Progress in Human Geography, August, 29(4).

Chapter Fourteen
'Capturing Value' within Global Production Networks

Anner, M., et al. (2006) The industrial determinants of transnational solidarity: Global interunion politics in three sectors.
European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12(1): 7-27.

Aspray, W. (2010) IT offshoring and American labor.
American Behavioral Scientist, 53(7): 962-82.

Coe, N.M., Hess, M., Yeung, H. W-c., Dicken, P. and Henderson, J. (2004) Globalizing regional development: a global production networks perspective.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, December, 29(4).

Coe, N.M., Dicken, P., Hess, M. and Yeung, H. W-C. (2010) Making connections: Global production networks and world city networks.
Global Networks, January, 10(1): 138-49.

Hesse, M., Rodrigue, J-P. (2006) Global production networks and the role of logistics and transportation.
Growth & Change, December, 37(4).

Kleijnen, M., Lievens, A., de Ruyter, K. and Wetzel's, M. (2009) Knowledge creation through mobile social networks and its impact on intentions to use innovative mobile services.
Journal of Service Research, 12(1): 15-35.

Pitelis, C. N. (2009) The co-evolution of organizational value capture, value creation and sustainable advantage.
Organization Studies, 30(10): 1115-39.

Nickerson, J. A., Silverman, B. S. and Zenger, T. R. (2007) The ‘problem’ of creating and capturing value.
Strategic Organization, 5(3): 211–25.

Rudra, N. (2005) Are workers in the developing world winners or losers in the current era of globalization?
Studies in Comparative International Development, 40 (3): 29-64.

Telljohann, V. et al. (2009) European and international framework agreements: new tools of transnational industrial relations.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 15(3-4): 505-25.

Verwaal, E., Commandeur, H. and Verbeke, W. (2009) Value creation and value claiming in strategic outsourcing decisions: A resource contingency perspective.
Journal of Management, 35(2): 420-44.

Yeung, H. W-C. (2009) Transnational corporations, global production networks, and urban and regional development: A geographer's perspective on multinational enterprises and the global economy. 
Growth & Change, June, 40(2).

Zaidman, N. and Brock, D. M. (2009) Knowledge transfer within multinationals and their foreign subsidiaries: A culture-context approach.
Group & Organization Management, 34(3): 297-329.

Chapter Fifteen
'Destroying Value': Environmental Impacts of Global Production Networks

Barkin, S. (2003) The counterintuitive relationship between globalization and climate change.
Global Environmental Politics, August, 3(3).

Brimblecombe, P. (2005) The globalization of local air pollution.
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Chapter Sixteen
Winning and Losing: Where You Live Really Matters

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Chapter Seventeen
Making the World a Better Place

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