Rosemary Sassoon

Pub Date: 10/2006
Pages: 96

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Rosemary Sassoon
Description/Setting the Scene
A considerable proportion of pupils leave primary school unable to write sufficiently well to deal with the demands of secondary school.
It may be that they have been inadequately or inappropriately taught, or they may have a physical problem, diagnosed or not, that has inhibited their learning. It may even be that they have made up their minds that handwriting is a redundant skill in the age of computers. The complexity of the problem means it is rarely addressed in secondary school at all.
This book seeks to remedy this situation. It presents a series of examples in photocopiable form, aimed principally at the pupils but with full teacher support, designed to show pupils a range of handwriting problems and help them to self-diagnose. All of the photocopiable material is also provided in electronic format on the companion website.
This section contains resources that will help you get the most out of the book. They will expand upon what it covers and help you to practise what you have learnt.
Part One covers various aspects of handwriting problems, offering guidance on a diagnostic system and techniques for teachers to develop their observation and practice. It includes detail on:
  • Issues in letter forms such as movement, height differentials, word or letter spacing, handwriting models and speed
  • Issues in writing posture, such as penhold, posture and paper position, and the effects of school furniture on posture.
  • Other issues such as a balanced view of joining, understanding left-handedness, presentation of written work, handwriting as an indicator, visual problems and pain.
Part Two presents the photocopiable materials for pupils with advice for teachers set alongside each page.
Part Three is concerned with diagnosis and remediation. A structured method of diagnosis is suggested, involving three stages: observation, procedure and assessing improvement. There is also advice on learning from pupils and the importance of questioning.
This book will be particularly useful for secondary teachers, secondary SENCOs and teaching support staff.