David Silverman

Pub Date: 11/2009
Pages: 480

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David Silverman
Chapter 27


In this paper, Harry Torrance points out that, for some policy makers, the randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the gold standard of worthwhile research. He shows the limitations of RCTs and discusses how we can address quality issues directly with the policy audience.

Qualitative Inquiry, 14 (4), 507-27 (2008)
DOI 10.1177/1077800407309380

'Building confidence in qualitative research: engaging the demands of policy'
Harry Torrance, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Nick Fox discusses how practice-based research may be made relevant to managers concerned with policy and service delivery.

Sociology, Vol. 37, No. 1, 81-102 (2003)
DOI: 10.1177/0038038503037001388

Practice-based Evidence Towards Collaborative and Transgressive Research
Nick J. Fox, University of Sheffield

In this paper, Sue Oreszczyn and Susan Carr describe a 'scenario workshop' aimed at encouraging a dialogue between researchers and senior policy makers.

Qualitative Research, Vol. 8, No. 4, 473-497 (2008)
DOI: 10.1177/1468794107087479

'Improving the link between policy research and practice: using a scenario workshop as a qualitative research tool in the case of genetically modified crops'
Sue Oreszczyn, The Open University, UK
Susan Carr, The Open University, UK

Key Words: dissemination . evidence-based policy . GM crops . scenario planning . user engagement . workshops

Workshops for policy makers or professionals need not always be organized around presentations of your research findings. Alternative points of discussion are often more fruitful, for example presentations of 'interesting' raw data, or inviting people present to begin by suggesting what they would like to get out of your research (this can also be done prior to the meeting when you send out invitations).