About the Book

The only statistics textbook you’ll ever need just got better!

With a little help from his eccentric band of characters, Andy Field has transformed the way students engage with statistics in this award-winning book. The fourth edition continues, with its unique blend of humour and collection of bizarre examples, to bring statistics – from first principles to advanced concepts – well and truly to life using IBM SPSS Statistics®. Who said statistics has to be dull?

Key features:

  • New MobileStudy. Scan any QR code within the book, or even the one below, to view material from the book on your smartphone or tablet, so you can study wherever and whenever you like!
  • Now fully up-to-date with IBM SPSS Statistics® version 21.
  • New characters. Statistical cult leader Oditi provides you with access to online video tutorials while Confusius helps you to make better sense of statistical terms.
  • New chapter on Mediation and Moderation.
  • An improved structure with contents better organized to take you from beginning to more advanced statistical principles.
  • The enhanced companion website offers additional material including videos, flashcards, interactive quizzes and much more.
  • If using this book with WebAssign® you will be able to practise numerical and multiple-choice questions again and again online. It will also provide you with instant feedback and links to the accompanying digital version
    of the book to help cement your knowledge of each topic.


3If using this book with WebAssign® you will be able to practise numerical and multiple-choice questions again and again online. It will also provide you with instant feedback and links to the accompanying digital version of the book to help cement your knowledge of each topic.



Author: Andy Field

Pub Date: February 2013

Pages: 952

Learn more about this book